Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Altadenans visit Alamedans, 1 min 44 sec.

This is an 8mm black & white home movie. Color movie film was available back then, but B&W was cheaper...and it hasn't faded nearly as much as Kodachrome color film has over the years.

The 'all-the-people-in-the-car' sequence was based on the old circus act where, at the beginning of the show, a tiny car would drive to the middle of the arena and all the clowns would pile out. In this adaptation, the people enter through the driver's door, slide over the front seat (no separated seats then) and exit out the passenger's door where the movie camera is aimed - at the passenger's side of the car.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Martinez Beaver Festival August 2, 2009; Video 2 min 23 sec.

Live background music by the Alhambra Valley Band. Bagpiper Jeff Campbell leads the children's procession.

[Click image to enlarge.] Collage © 2009 [See the Fair Use Notice, here.]

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Shades of 1929!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Walmart Security

Returning home from a walk on April 24, 2009 at about 3 PM, I noticed a guy running through the Walmart parking lot with a white bag in hand and 3 hefty security guys in blue shirts in hot pursuit. One of the security guys gave up the chase, but the other two kept on. The guy made a mistake by running into the pumpkin/xmas tree lot (fenced on three sides). When I saw them returning with him, I whipped out my trusty camera, set it to "video" and took aim...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sir David Frost Watergate Interviews - Richard Nixon

Video, 1 hour 37 minutes.
Frost introduced this video that was first broadcast in May, 1977. See also Frost's endnotes after the credits.